The NATO Summit in Wales on 4 and 5 September, bringing together 28 allied member states, has no other purpose than to bypass the Security Council of the UN and to replace in the opinion of the Security Council a resolution on the next intervention in Ukraine, which will be preceded by the arrival of the American troops in Eastern EU bases(9), and also in Italy, Holland and Germany.
conflitti e strategie
Il NYT, con un editoriale disperato e delirante, ha invocato l’ingresso nel Paese delle forze speciali di Usa e Inghilterra per evitare una disfatta certa (ancora due giorni fa la stampa mondiale ripeteva, al di là di ogni fatto concreto, che Kiev stava per spazzare via i filorussi). Senza l’occupazione degli aeroporti di Kiev e di Odessa la guerra sarà irrimediabilmente persa da Poroshenko e soci.
conflitti e strategie
conflitti e strategie
Après des mois de conflit dans l'est de l'Ukraine, les présidents russe et ukrainien semblent cheminer vers une sortie de crise, à mots couverts. Mercredi 3 septembre au matin, le président ukrainien, Petro Porochenko, a annoncé sur Twitter un « cessez-le-feu permanent dans le Donbass ».
No one can claim today that the rising power of radical Sunni groups came as a surprise to them.
No one can claim today that the rising power of radical Sunni groups came as a surprise to them. Iraq’s Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki had warned repeatedly of Al-Qaida's threat to the stability and territorial integrity of Iraq and requested to acquire modern weapons to fight the extremists from the US. Back in 2012 most of his requests were denied by the Pentagon under the pretense that Al-Maliki’s regime is “weak, unreliable and undemocratic.” Al-Maliki then turned to Russia, signing a five-billion dollar weapons deal, most of it yet to be fulfilled.
An independent Scotland would have to choose between using the pound and joining the EU, the bloc's former economic affairs commissioner has said. In a letter to the UK's treasury minister Danny Alexander released on Tuesday night (2 September), two weeks before Scotland's four million voters decide whether to leave the UK, Olli Rehn stated that the Scottish government's plan to keep sterling without a formal currency union with London would be incompatible with EU membership.
Marianne Ranke-Cormier
Préserver l'indépendance de l'UE en prenant le pouvoir au sein de l'OTAN, n'ayant plus les moyens de se constituer seuls en une défense européenne (restrictions budgétaires obligent), la prise de pouvoir des états européens dans le cadre de l'OTAN doit servir à infléchir les politiques dévastatrices des Etats-Unis... A nous citoyens de les conduire dans ce sens en refusant de croire la propagande militariste, en refusant de soutenir nos médias qui servent de relais à cette propagande, en maintenant la pression sur nos élus...
Les pays de l’OTAN vont se doter, lors de leur sommet qui se déroule au Pays de Galles, aujourd’hui et demain (4 et 5 septembre), d’une force de réaction rapide. Il était temps, pourrait-on dire. Depuis 2002, l’OTAN dispose cependant d’une méga force de réaction, la NRF, taillée pour 60.000 hommes. Objectif déclaré : « permettre une réponse militaire rapide à une crise émergente, que ce soit pour des objectifs de défense collective ou pour des opérations de réponse aux crises ». Décidée au sommet de Prague, en 2002, atteignant sa capacité initiale opérationnelle, la NRF a été déclarée opérationnelle en 2006, Mais la NRF est restée souvent au garage et n’a pas vraiment été employée.
A EC resolutely oriented towards the euro, only Poland remains outside Euroland, 'bemol' with Oettinger straight road towards TTIP, only question will be with or without ISDS?
"There are six Vice Presidents in the proposed Commission: Poland’s Elżbieta Bieńkowska (EPP), with Budget and Financial Control as assignment, - Estonia’s Andrus Ansip (ALDE) for Growth, EMU, European Semester and Social Dialogue, - Latvia’s Valdis Dombrovkis (EPP) for Energy Union, - Slovenia’s Alenka Bratusek for Digital and Innovation + the Netherlands Frans Timmermans, Italy’s Federica Mogherini ... Günther Oettinger, the incumbent energy commissioner, will get the trade portfolio in the next EU executive, according to the organigram, as Germany wanted. This means that Oettinger would also become chief negotiator for the controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)..."
In einem Organigramm der künftigen EU-Kommission, das ins Netz entfleucht ist, ist Günther Oettinger (CDU) als Handelskommissar gesetzt. Seine erste Mammutaufgabe wäre es, den transatlantischen Wirtschaftsvertrag voranzutreiben.
Sovereign territories could be acquired as the spoils of bankruptcy without a shot being fired.
Where territories were once captured by military might, he maintains that today they are being annexed by debt. The still-evolving plan is to drive destitute nations into an international bankruptcy court whose decisions would have the force of law throughout the world. The court could then do with whole countries what US bankruptcy courts do with businesses: sell off their assets, including their real estate. Sovereign territories could be acquired as the spoils of bankruptcy without a shot being fired.
If there is any chance for peace in Europe, it is obvious that is lies in the hands of the ordinary Europeans, Ukrainians and Russians. Do not fall for your government's propaganda, for blinded nationalism and the promise that your interests lie in a nation state, a national government or on constant power games between your nation's and other neighboring ones.
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