Dinamarca participará en el sistema de defensa antimisiles de la OTAN en Europa. La decisión fue tomada en una reunión de la Comisión Parlamentaria de Política Exterior de Dinamarca. De acuerdo con el diario danés 'Jyllands-Posten', el sistema de radares modernos se instalará en una o más fragatas danesas.


09/01/2014 Tags : espanol EU NATO USA


Lange hopes that the European Commission will take the results of the consultations into account and keep the investor-to-state dispute settlement mechanism (ISDS) out of the TTIP.

On 7 July, Bernd Lange was elected as Chair of the International Trade Committee which expanded to 41 members. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), the trade deal between the European Union and Canada (CETA), the EU-Singapore trade agreement, as well as the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) are among the top priorities of the new INTA Committee. Regarding the TTIP negotiations, Lange hopes that the European Commission will take the results of the consultations into account and keep the investor-to-state dispute settlement mechanism (ISDS) out of the TTIP.


09/01/2014 Tags : EP2014 EU TTIP


The ongoing weeping and gnashing of European and other teeth over Ukraine reflects the most serious East-West confrontation since the fall of the Berlin Wall. The inability of the United Nations to agree on concerted action in the face of the downing of the Malaysian Airlines flight in July by Russian-backed rebels – like earlier paralysis before Russia’s February invasion and subsequent annexation of Crimea – brings sharply back into relief an issue that was front-and-centre for the first 45 years of the world organisation’s history.


09/01/2014 Tags : international institutions UN


Speaking to journalists today, Trade Minister Lord Livingston said the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) would not have any impact on the NHS and, therefore, the UK negotiation team will not be pushing for its exclusion.


09/01/2014 Tags : EU TTIP


"Internet a permis de nombreux développements, notamment celui des sites d’entraide et de partage ou la mise en relation entre particuliers. Du covoiturage à la récupération, de la location de logements inoccupés au prêt entre particuliers, c’est tout un écosystème qui se développe, offrant des solutions moins chères voire gratuites aux consommateurs. Parfois en concurrence avec des entreprises, ces services créent souvent des opportunités inexistantes. [...] Des solutions innovantes offrant aux citoyens des possibilités nouvelles et plus avantageuses, c’est bien trop libéral, et ça crée une concurrence à l’économie traditionnelle. Vite, règlementons, taxons, interdisons ! [...] Ce n’est pas seulement l’écosystème de la mise en relation entre particuliers qu’il faut tuer dans l’œuf, mais l’idée même de la solidarité et du partage."


09/01/2014 Tags : democracy EU


The European Union is not (anymore) guided by politicians with a grasp of history, a sober assessment of global reality, or simple common sense connected with the long term interests of what they are guiding. If any more evidence was needed, it has certainly been supplied by the sanctions they have agreed on last week aimed at punishing Russia.


09/01/2014 Tags : crisis EU media Russie Ukraine USA


Scotland will not pay its share of the UK debt if it does not get a currency union after independence. The Scottish government minister told a BBC referendum debate if the UK seized all the assets of the currency it must also take all the liabilities. Scotland's share of UK debt would be in the region of £100bn.


09/01/2014 Tags : EU Scotland UK




SMALL countries that tag along with other countries involved in mega-regional agreements will have little control over trade negotiations, according to a report by the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Agenda Council on Trade and Foreign Direct Investment.


09/01/2014 Tags : TTIP


Romania can’t ratify the EU-Canada free trade agreement easily, as long as the Romanian businessmen don’t have the same free access to this country like other European citizens, Romanian Ambassador to Canada, Maria Ligor, told local Mediafax.


09/01/2014 Tags : EU TTIP




the so-called "investment chapter," A similar chapter in NAFTA, the free trade agreement between the U.S., Mexico and Canada, has cost Canada so far more than C$170 million in claims, according to Scott Sinclair with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. ... In some NAFTA claims, investors used the provision to fight higher regulatory standards that local or national governments wanted to impose, such as stronger environmental protections.


09/01/2014 Tags : EU TTIP USA


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