
#TTIP #Juncker #EULEX #Lobying #Kosovo #FranckBiancheri #Newropeans

Le traité transatlantique va réorganiser le commerce mondial au profit des Etats-Unis

The EU as pawn in a nasty game
"The EU has suffered considerably from its various sanctions against Russians, just as it will suffer considerably from the TransAtlantic Trade and Partnership Agreement should that ever be ratified. Both sanctions and the Agreement are the result of US corporate lobbying of the Commission, and it is American corporations alone who will benefit from both. It is hoped that in rejecting these sanctions, the European Court will begin a reversal of this trend and strike a blow in favour of democracy and European sovereignty."

Juncker au centre d’un scandale fiscal impliquant 340 multinationales
#CommissionJuncker  même pas une semaine, et déjà le premier lièvre ... vous vez dit #changement ?

After the case of Luxembourg, the EU still make sense?
The scandal of preferential taxation in Luxembourg practiced in various companies, which have in the Grand Duchy their earnings to be subject to a lower tax, represents the culmination of the distortions of the European Union and complains that the inequalities between states, which is then reflected on the public, are no longer sustainable in a union born with completely different purposes. Luxembourg is now in the center of the controversy, but there are similar situations in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Ireland.

#Kosovo: le scandale @EULEXKosovo via @RFI et bien entendu cela concerne #Ashton  ... #Barroso  ...

Der Lobbyist aus der heute-show und sein direkter Draht zu "den Jungs" aus dem Bundestag
Am vergangenen Freitag plauderte der (reale) Interessenvertreter Dr. Dr. h.c. Peter Spary in der ZDF heute-show ganz offen aus dem Lobbyisten-Nähkästchen: Wie er "die Jungs" im Bundestag mit guten Impulsen versorgt, ihre Restaurantrechnungen begleicht und griffige Argumentationshilfen zu Parlamentsreden beisteuert. Spary ist gleich für mehrere Interessenverbände tätig. Video: via

Newropeans 16 proposals: Vision 2020: Reinventing Europe, 2005-2020 (Background)The vision of one man named Franck Biancheri, for the democratic future of Europe until 2020. We are far behind...
Given the urgency to anticipate and prepare the EU of 15 states for the great Central and Eastern Europe enlargement wave (+ 10 states in 2004 + Romania and Bulgaria to come later + Balkan states) and anticipating the European Council’s decision planned in Copenhagen on 12-13 December 2002, Franck Biancheri in his book "VISION 2020: Reinventing Europe, 2005-2020", published in June 2002, brought attention to the obsolescence of the European performance, as it had been designed for six member states originally. He was calling the European political class to anticipate the necessary institutional, strategic, political and democratic changes, if Europe didn’t want to get lost in its own institutional dysfunctions and in the national-European anti-democratic and xenophobic speeches like the ones we experience today. For him, "The key problem for Europe in coming decades is to reconcile democratic aspiration, dream of unity and efficiency: Europe is no longer something to be created, but to be governed efficiently and democratically."

Newropeans 16 proposals: Vision 2020: Reinventing Europe, 2005-2020 (Background)The vision of one man named Franck Biancheri, for the democratic future of Europe until 2020. We are far behind...

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