The Ukrainian crisis is understood by LEAP and the Euro-BRICS project as a heavy-trend breaker, disrupting the peaceful and organised emergence of the multipolar world and thrusting Europe and the planet towards a conflictual polarisation between West and East, former global leaders and emerging powers, and ultimately US and China.
The multipolar world is made of similar integrated regions and the challenge ahead of us is to recognize the right of every region to exist and to build the tools of its sustainability, but also the necessity to invent the global framework capable of ensuring the peaceful coexistence of these processes. Major questions weigh indeed, such as : How to set the limits of each region ? Should these limits include buffer-zones (such as Ukraine should have remained), in which cases and why ? How to organise peaceful trans-regional relations ? Shouldn’t free-trade agreements be reserved to intra-regional economic relations, leaving evolving and negotiable trade-facilitation accords regulate trans-regional economic relations ? Of what use can be the organisations of the former international system (WTO namely, which needs to deeply reconsider the principles of the XXIst century global economic system[7]) ?…
On Thursday, the central bank’s president, Mario Draghi, took new steps to address those economic woes. He slashed the key interest rate to near 0 percent and announced a program of securities purchases, to begin in October, with the stated goal of expanding the ECB’s balance sheet — which shrank over the past two years — and easing credit across Europe. The unstated goal is to weaken the euro on international currency markets so that Europe can sell more exports, especially from struggling nations such as Spain and Italy. Mr. Draghi was reacting to a rash of dire economic data showing that Europe was slipping dangerously close to deflation.
Poland has confirmed there will be no new Nato bases in eastern Europe to deter Russian aggression. The alliance is creating a new “spearhead” force of some 4,000 troops designed to react if Russia attacks its eastern borders.
no #QE we are not the #FED
Draghi says the ECB is still considering QE, but in the meantime it will begin a private sector financial asset buying scheme to purchase debt products from banks. “So our proposal strikes the mid-road…. a broad asset purchase program was discussed, and some governors made clear that they would like to do more,” he told reporters.
Official figures for July showed a surprise monthly rise in industrial production in Germany. It follows similarly optimistic data on factory orders in Europe's biggest economy, released on Thursday.
Almost half of British people don’t have any kind of pension, alarming research published by the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals has revealed. That means millions could be heading for a future pension crisis despite consistent government attempts to ensure workers do start saving for their retirement.
The mayor of Calais threatened to use the town's population as a human barricade to blockade its port on Thursday night, as paramilitary police were drafted from around France in a bid to prevent increasingly desperate attempts from a growing number of migrants attempting to get to the UK. As dusk fell on a patch of scrubland a five-minute walk from the stately town hall of Calais, hundreds of migrants gathered at a soup kitchen, and said that despite the heavy police presence they would continue in their attempts to get across the Channel.
The European Central Bank (ECB) is back in "whatever it takes" mode to stimulate the sputtering economy and Asian markets are set to benefit, say strategists. "The added euro zone liquidity will not find easy outlets in Europe. Bonds are expensive; the German and French 2-year note yields dropped below zero. Some funds will flow into periphery bonds; some into equities and hold their breath," Uwe Parpart, chief strategist at Reorient Group wrote in a note on Friday.
Le vote sur le budget en session plénière est prévu pour fin octobre
lA commission du budget est en charge de la préparation de la position du Parlement européen sur le budget. Dans ce but, elle collecte les avis des autres commissions parlementaires sur les différents programmes et domaines d'action. La plupart des commissions auront adopté leurs avis à la fin de la semaine prochaine. Le vote sur le budget en session plénière est prévu pour fin octobre.
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