
The European position is even worse, as far as Israel is concerned. Sweden has already announced that it will recognize the Palestinian state. This announcement was followed by the British Parliament's vote to this effect, and other European Union members will probably follow suit, either through their governments or by parliamentary vote. All this criticism is a symptom of a more profound change in attitude toward Israel, with possibly severe policy repercussions in the future. 


10/28/2014 Tags : Israël


The Shi’ite Muslim minority in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province have long felt marginalized by the Sunni ruling dynasty, and protests for greater rights as part of the 2011 Arab Spring brought a crackdown on both protesters and demands for reform.


10/28/2014 Tags : Saudi Arabia




Ebola fait la une et bouleverse le monde entier. Mais Ebola n'est pas la première cause de mortalité en Afrique. ThePressProject rappelle ce point dans le graphique suivant, qui montre le nombre de décès en Afrique depuis mars 2014 


10/28/2014 Tags : Afrique


The first the crew of the Antarctica knew of the disaster was a radio request to help a search and rescue operation. There were bodies in the water 200 miles off the coast of Malta. Two other ships – the Verdi and the Japan – were already at the scene, picking people out of the sea. The Antarctica was swiftly diverted and took command until the arrival of coastguard and naval ships.


10/28/2014 Tags : Immigration


Les Canadiens, campés sur leur charte des libertés individuelles, sont confrontés au dilemme de voir leurs droits se réduire avec un durcissement des lois voulu par le gouvernement conservateur pour lutter contre les actes de terrorisme.


10/28/2014 Tags : Canada



New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday congratulated Brazil's left-leaning President Dilma Rousseff on her re-election and said that he was looking forward to continuing working with her.


10/28/2014 Tags : BRICS


"Ogni giorno che passa è un giorno perso: il semestre italiano può essere l'occasione per un salto di qualità e uno scatto in avanti" nell'accordo Ttip Tra Ue e Usa. Lo ha detto il premier Matteo Renzi a un convegno a Roma nell'affermare "l'appoggio totale e incondizionato e totale del governo italiano".


10/28/2014 Tags : TTIP USA


Le dimanche 26 octobre en Tunisie ont eu lieu les premières élections législatives depuis l’enclenchement du processus révolutionnaire de 2011. En pleins bouleversements nationaux mais aussi géopolitiques, cet ancrage démocratique témoigne de la consolidation et de la grande modernité de la Révolution tunisienne. Dotée d’une Constitution construite sur une séparation des pouvoirs, la Tunisie engage désormais une nouvelle phase pour demain : celle de la construction d’un nouveau modèle de développement, tourné vers l’épanouissement de la jeunesse, l’émancipation des plus démunis et le renforcement des capacités économiques. C’est l’exigence de tout un peuple, ce sera là sans doute le principal défi du prochain gouvernement.

Pouria Amirshahi

10/28/2014 Tags : Tunisie




Dilma Rousseff has won another term as Brazil's president. President Rousseff garnered 51.45% of votes cast. Despite allegations of corruption at the highest levels of her administration — especially regarding the massive state oil firm Petrobras — the incumbent will have another four years to right Brazil's ship after a close campaign against center-right candidate Aecio Neves. It will not be easy. Wall Street knows that. As a result, the markets may punish Brazil's markets Monday morning. 


10/28/2014 Tags : Brazil


Anti-war campaigners said the UK's mission in Afghanistan had failed and had left a legacy of tens of thousands of civilian deaths as well as a series of unanswered questions. British troops today handed Camp Bastion over to Afghan forces - bringing to an end their bloody campaign in Helmand province - by lowering the Union Jack for the last time.


10/28/2014 Tags : UK


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