La crise Ukrainienne est née d’une gestion catastrophique des négociations d’accords de libre-échange entre l’Ukraine et la Russie d’une part, et entre l’Ukraine et l’Europe d’autre part... Ce comportement de la part de l’Europe met en exergue un trait caractéristique de cette crise : il s’agit d’un conflit territorial entre deux voisins. D’un côté, l’Union Européenne, une zone de libre-échange engagée dans un processus critiquable d’extension sans fin[4]. De l’autre côté, le projet Union Economique Eurasiatique de la Russie, entrant subitement en compétition avec le précédent.


10/30/2014 Tags : EU Russie Ukraine


ouze ans après l’élection de Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, plus personne ne remet en cause les politiques sociales introduites par l’ex-ouvrier de la métallurgie, du moins pas directement. C'est en revanche sur la politique étrangère que s'expriment des désaccords radicaux entre la présidente Dilma Rousseff, candidate du Parti des travailleurs (PT), et son adversaire Aécio Neves, qui représente le Parti de la social-démocratie brésilienne (PSDB), une formation aujourd’hui clairement ancrée à droite.


10/30/2014 Tags : Brazil EU USA


La Suède est devenue le premier pays membre de l'Union européenne à reconnaître l?État de Palestine, une initiative saluée par le président palestinien comme "courageuse et historique" mais considérée "malheureuse" par Israël.




More seriously, with the U.S. briefing tours, we've always tried to go to new places and states where we haven't been before. We've done multiple briefing tours in the four big initiative states -- California, Oregon, Arizona and Colorado -- so we didn't want to repeat that. Two years ago, we went to three big, populous states in which direct democracy interplays with the presidential election -- Michigan, Ohio and Florida. This time, we wanted to get to states with strong traditions of direct democracy that we hadn't seen. So we'll all be learning things for the first time and making new contacts for Democracy International and the Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy.


10/30/2014 Tags : USA




It’s not an anti-Beijing or anti-Communist Party movement, it’s a pro-Hong Kong movement, that’s all. All sides need to bear this in mind.


10/29/2014 Tags : China


Proposals @FranckBiancheri would not have denied, inspired by him?

- Renewed international efforts, brokered by the UN and including all the parties, should be made to end the war in Syria. As many commentators have urged, this must necessarily entail new forms of cooperation with Russia and Iran in particular, which requires an end to confrontation and threats on all sides.
- Apologies should be offered for mistakes and brutal actions the West has committed, especially in the case of Iraq where the invasion and military occupation, coupled with 13 years of devastating sanctions, have resulted in an estimated 1 million Iraqi deaths and forced 4 million to flee their homes. In the longer term we must take steps to build a peaceful and secure world based on non-militaristic approaches. ...



10/29/2014 Tags : Middle East


World Ecomomic Forum


In the spirit of dialogue and in the search for common ground to find solutions for the conflict in Ukraine, sixteen prominent business leaders with equal representation from Ukraine, the Russian Federation, Europe, and the United States gathered privately on the invitation of Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, on Sunday September 14th in Geneva. While acknowledging the complexity of the situation and the different viewpoints, the participants succesfully agreed on a common approach. The ten points summarized below are considered by all to help resolve the conflict. All participants recognize that the implementation of these proposals in the present context is challenging given the many complexities. They trust the political leaders involved and their ongoing dialogue, and hope that these proposals can support their initiatives for resolving the Ukraine conflict. The participants also hope that the political leaders can meet soon to bring an end to the conflict, and they pledge their full support for such a political process.


10/29/2014 Tags : Ukraine




Despite discount, China chooses Colombian oil

The global oil market is undergoing dramatic and unexpected changes well beyond our borders, and frankly, our control. The latest surprise comes from China, which chose to ignore the lower Asian prices on offer from Saudi Arabia and instead boosted imports from Colombia, Bloomberg reports. China also boosted imports from Russia, as the world is awash with crude, largely because the U.S. is now producing so much of its own.


10/28/2014 Tags : China


En termes de prévention et de lutte, l'appel aux militaires – merci pour eux – ne suffira pas. Il faudra recruter et former des milliers de nouveaux professionnels de santé, en les dotant de tous les moyens de protection disponibles. Mais les volontaires, compte tenu des risques encourus, ne seront sans doute pas assez nombreux. Dans l'idéal, il faudrait former des dizaines de milliers de personnes potentiellement menacées à se protéger elles-mêmes – ce que dans certains pays, pour des raisons religieuses ou politiques, elles refusent de faire.




As the result of our First Euro-BRICS Online Discussion – The impact of the Ukrainian crisis on Euro-BRICS, Euro-U.S. and BRICS’ relations our network of European and BRICS academic professors and researchers, think-tank leaders, journalists, business representatives, civil society representatives, have declared their joint concern with the trends currently at play resulting from the crisis in Ukraine, formulated in a Joint Statement.


10/28/2014 Tags : BRICS


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