Revenons les pieds sur terre: comment l'Europe peut-elle préférer négocier avec un pays qui pratique toujours la peine de mort et la torture et qui se fiche des droits privés #Guantanamo #NSA #TTIP

L'Etat d'Oklahoma devait procéder, mardi 29 avril, à une double exécution pour la première fois depuis près de quatre-vingts ans. Clayton Lockett et Charles Warner devaient être tués par injection dans une prison située dans une petite ville au sud-est d'Oklahoma City. Mais tout ne s'est pas passé comme prévu.

A lire sur: Le Monde

04/30/2014 Tags : democracy USA


America is getting increasingly excited about another election cycle – not about the upcoming mid-terms in November, but about the presidential race in 2016... What they are seeing are presidential hopefuls who inspire anything but hope to re-capture the White House after eight years of Barack Obama: candidates like Rand Paul (too libertarian), Ted Cruz (too conservative) or Chris Christie (too unpredictable).

Read more: Euronews

04/29/2014 Tags : democracy politics USA


And here in Europe MEPs and European Council have given Fast Track authority to the EC to negociate the #TTIP with USA...

While the President and his U.S. Trade Rep, Michael Froman, are determined to push the agreement forward, reports say TPP countries are not convinced that Obama will be able to rally the political support needed to pass a Fast Track bill. If it doesn't grant Fast Track authority, Congress can pick apart and question every aspect of this sprawling trade agreement. TPP countries are unwilling to make potentially harmful concessions to the U.S. if there’s a chance the agreement would simply be unraveled by Congress once signed. The conclusion of TPP therefore seems increasingly contingent upon the Obama administration getting Fast Track authority, and so far Congress has shown no indication that they're willing to give it to them.

Read more: EFF

04/29/2014 Tags : EU NSA TTIP USA


La biennale est un événement unique en son genre. Elle est la seule manifestation d’envergure sur les littératures francophones d’Afrique qui se tient à périodicité régulière dans la banlieue bordelaise. En une douzaine d’années elle s’est imposée dans le paysage aquitain comme un rendez-vous culturel de proximité qui permet aux jeunes et aux moins jeunes de rencontrer, sans formalité, des auteurs et des éditeurs et de côtoyer, parfois, des écrivains de renom primés en Afrique et en Europe, qui font la renommée de la francophonie.

A lire sur: Editafrica

04/29/2014 Tags : Afrique culture




Non mais comment réagirait la France si on détournait ses gazoducs??? Et qui va payer la facture??? Prendre les Russes pour des "c..." et s’étonner après que Poutine réagisse...

The larger transit line carries Russian gas to the European Union and is partly managed by Gazprom Export. The Slovak company, which describes itself as the largest single carrier of Russian gas in the European Union, said it would first have to reach an agreement with its Russian counterpart.

Read more: EUobserver


A new 10-year security pact between the United States and the Philippines could lead to modest increases in U.S. weapons sales in coming years, especially for maritime surveillance equipment, analysts said on Sunday. The agreement, to be signed on Monday, establishes a framework for an increased U.S. military presence in the Philippines and is part of a “rebalancing” of U.S. resources toward the fast-growing Asia-Pacific region.

Read more: Euronews

04/28/2014 Tags : USA war




The current political and economic crisis in Ukraine began at a time of limited US interest in the post-Soviet space (in the context of the strategic pivot to Asia) and of a deep, structural European crisis also affecting EU global and regional policies, including the rather limited political interest in and financial support available for the Eastern Neighborhood Policy. Under those unfavorable circumstances, the EU decided to make a rather half-hearted attempt to draw Ukraine – a country heavily indebted and highly dependent on Russian energy – closer to a European orbit. The financial support that would have been provided through the proposed agreement, in order to balance the costs of opening further the Ukrainian internal market to European firms, was so low that it would have guaranteed a deterioration of the Ukrainian economy in the short term, only for the country to enjoy some long-term benefits if all went according to plan.

Read more: Ekathimerini

04/28/2014 Tags : EU Russie Ukraine USA voisinage


El Pais


Hasta el momento, Washington se encuentra en una línea más dura de ataque que Europa, que está en un espacio más ambiguo y tímido, entre otras razones porque sus relaciones comerciales y lazos económicos con Rusia son mucho mayores de lo que lo son con Estados Unidos y porque compra cerca de una cuarta parte de su gas natural a Moscú.

Leer mas: El Pais

04/28/2014 Tags : espanol EU Ukraine USA


Spiegel Online


Iraq's former interim prime minister, Ayad Allawi, is hoping to oust the current government in this week's elections. He speaks to SPIEGEL about his belief that the Americans robbed him of power and about the country's escalating violence.

Read more: Spiegel Online

04/28/2014 Tags : crisis democracy


Le président palestinien Mahmoud Abbas a condamné dimanche le génocide juif, dans une déclaration sans précédent, peu avant le début des commémorations de la Shoah en Israël, et appelé le gouvernement israélien à conclure une paix "juste" avec les Palestiniens.

A lire sur: L'Echo Républicain  

04/28/2014 Tags : Israël paix Palestine voisinage


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