120 millions d'euros : il s'agit du montant, en euros, dépensé chaque année par l'industrie financière en actions de lobbying à Bruxelles, auprès des institutions européennes. C'est ce que révèle le think tank européen Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), mercredi 9 avril. Selon ce dernier, la finance emploie 1 700 lobbyistes dans la capitale belge, soit bien plus que tous les autres secteurs.
A lire sur: Le Monde
A lire sur: Le Monde
Mentioning the "common interests" between the European Union and Russia, he said that the "credibility" of the bloc depended on taking the right decisions.
Read more: Eubusiness
Read more: Eubusiness
Today only in Kharkov at least 70 activists have been arrested during the so-called “anti-terrorist operation”.
The flywheel of political repressions in Ukraine is gaining momentum these days. In sharp contrast with the liberal approach by president Yanukovych to the “Euromaidan” rout, the interim Kievan administration did not hesitate much about cracking down the public uprising against the “neo-Nazi regime” on the rise in the East and South of Ukraine. Today only in Kharkov at least 70 activists have been arrested during the so-called “anti-terrorist operation”. According to the reports, foreign mercenaries presumably from the US Greystone Ltd private military contractor firm were participating in the operation along with the National Guard (majorly consisting of the ultranationalist Pravy (Right) Sector fighters) and some loyal Interior Ministry units.
Read more: Oriental Review
Read more: Oriental Review
If EU member states think so, why is there not any kind of trans-European common and joint reaction against US attitude towards EU? Why do national states let the TTIP negociations going on? Why do they not react when USA install missiles and planes on our Eastern territory and interfere in our internal and external politics? If they think the EC and Ashton will stand up for any kind of political sovereignty of Europe, they are wrong: visions of Barroso and Ashton are those of an economic, financial banking union, whose success is measured in numbers, charts and regulations, whatever the societal and political costs could be...
In an interview, German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière, 60, warns that American spying has become "boundless" and expresses sorrow that approval ratings for the United States have plummeted in Germany.
Approval ratings for Americans in German polls are lower right now than they have been in a long time. The last time this was the case was during a certain phase of the policies of George W. Bush. It saddens me. Even if Obama's initial popularity may have been exaggerated, the US cannot be apathetic to the fact that approval ratings have shifted to such a degree within just one year. America should have an interest in improving them. Words alone will not suffice.
Read more: Spiegel Online
Approval ratings for Americans in German polls are lower right now than they have been in a long time. The last time this was the case was during a certain phase of the policies of George W. Bush. It saddens me. Even if Obama's initial popularity may have been exaggerated, the US cannot be apathetic to the fact that approval ratings have shifted to such a degree within just one year. America should have an interest in improving them. Words alone will not suffice.
Read more: Spiegel Online
Iniciativa Debate
Continua la serie de misteriosas muertes de varios banqueros. La última la de Jan Peter Schmitmann, ex consejero delegado del banco holandés ABN Amro, que ha matado a su esposa y a una de sus hijas y después se ha suicidado.
Read more: Iniciativa Debate
Read more: Iniciativa Debate
Ukraine has launched an "anti-terrorist" operation in the eastern city of Kharkiv and about 70 "separatists" have been arrested for seizing the regional administration building, Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said on Tuesday.
Read more: Reuters
Read more: Reuters
Et demain ce sont toutes forces anti-européennes qui entrent au Parlement... il ne faudra pas s'en étonner
Le patron de la Banque centrale européenne annonce la mort du modèle social européen... et se prépare à faire un nouveau chèque de 500 milliards d'euros aux banques. Bienvenue dans le "QE World" ou comment les banques centrales soutiennent massivement le rétablissement de la confiance, au prix d'une austérité sans précédent.
Lire sur: la Tribune
Lire sur: la Tribune
L'Italie en aurait certes bien besoin, mais il n'est par certain que ce soit pour les bien de tous les Européens...
L'Italie se prépare aux élections européennes de façon assez chaotique. 64 partis, des revendications indépendantistes qui secouent le nord, cela a commencé à Venise, gagné la Lombardie et le Frioul, mais les Sardes ne sont pas de reste. Pendant ce temps Renzi est mis à mal pour mettre ses réformes en place, et le M5S, qui semble être la seule force non pas d'opposition mais de changement, gagne du terrain dans un environnement où tous les scepticismes se heurtent les uns aux autres. ... In Europa per l'Italia! L'Italie en aurait certes bien besoin, mais il n'est par certain que ce soit pour les bien de tous les Européens...
ll change over della politica italiana scatterà il 9 aprile. Ricordate la notte dell’euro, quando le lire sono sparite dai monitor dei computer per far nascere la nuova moneta? Quel giorno Matteo Renzi vedrà sparire dall’organigramma di Palazzo Chigi la prima linea della nomenklatura ereditata dal governo Letta senza neanche la fatica di metterla alla porta:...
Read more: Espresso
Read more: Espresso
Di grande interesse i dati Ixè del 7 aprile: i sondaggi politici sulle Elezioni Europee 2014 dell'istituto vedono sprofondare Forza Italia di Silvio Berlusconi mentre il Movimento 5 Stelle continua a crescere in maniera impetuosa, raggiungendo risultati di grande rilievo.
Read more: SuperMoney
Read more: SuperMoney
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