Partiamo da una considerazione: questa volta non c’entra la giustizia ad orologeria al solito invocata da Berlusconi (chiedo scusa con uno degli interventori per non aver compreso l’ironia della sua affermazione), con disegni di condizionamento del potere politico, come il non toccare gli stipendi dei magistrati. Da questo scandalo chi ha da guadagnare è il M5s e chi ha da perdere più degli altri è il Pd, che potrebbe vedere deluse le sue aspettative di trionfo. E voi credete che la procura milanese possa avere di questi disegni?



escamotage du débat politique sur la France et en France, sur l’Europe et en Europe et par extension : sur l’Occident et en Occident

En guise de réponse au détestable silence de la télévision de "service public" sur l'Europe, François Hollande nous gratifie d’un court article paru le 8 Mai : « l’Europe que je veux ». Il nous semble important de mettre en évidence certains points de fuite qui auront échappé à la totalité des commentateurs.


05/13/2014 Tags : BRICS EP2014 EU euroland


Newropeans call for an International Court for Global Financial Crimes

We have been hit by the financial crisis. This financial and monetary crisis constitutes an imminent breakdown of the system that keeps the real economy running. And this crisis is responsible for the destabilization of whole nations as far as their financial future is concerned. To such an extent that one has to say, that we are living in an economic war-zone.



See also Newropeans call for an International Court for Global Financial Crimes

Some 500 global groups are calling for action by governments next month to jumpstart the process of drafting an international treaty to address rights abuses by multinational corporations, following on a related proposal by Ecuador and others.


05/13/2014 Tags : EU UN USA


Ce sont les Américains qui s'occupent des sondages UE désormais... et trouvent comme par hasard que depuis qu'ils ont pris le contrôle des opérations, les opinions publiques sont beaucoup plus favorables... On rêve!!!

The study by the Pew Research Centre, a Washington-based think tank, found that more than 50 percent of Europeans had a favourable image of the EU, up from 46 percent in 2013. The EU's four largest member states - Germany, France, the UK and Italy - as well as Spain, Poland and Greece were the countries surveyed.


05/13/2014 Tags : democracy EP2014 independence USA


Uncertainty hangs over the future of the European parliamentary groupings of both the Conservative Party and the UK Independence Party (Ukip)...

There are practical reasons for this. In the Conservative Party's case, its European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group, set up after it left the far larger centre-right European People's Party group in 2009, is likely to be affected by two factors: a fall in the number of Conservative MEPs (currently standing at 26) thanks to a likely poor showing in May's elections, and the volatility of its East European partners.


05/13/2014 Tags : brexit EP2014



There are certain things which are Euro-politically incorrect, yet true. Thus, in the name of the truth, we must tell those things as they are, even if that might cause raised shields, or an outcry, from all those who consider themselves the guardians of the temple of the European integration process. The enlargement killed the process of the European integration, and the same enlargement was imposed by certain interests wishing to reduce the European Union to a simple free trade area. Today, these same interests are about to annex the single European market by a transatlantic free-trade treaty, the TTIP.

Read more: LEAP/E2020

05/13/2014 Tags : EP2014 euro TTIP USA



None of the three leading candidates will become President of the Commission, José Ignacio Torreblanca, senior research fellow of the European Council on Foreign Relations has told EurActiv. Instead, EU leaders will choose a “Barroso-type” compromise candidate, he said.

Read more: Euractiv

05/08/2014 Tags : democracy EP2014 EU


FAZ und Newropeans-Magazine


Untertüzung für eine Deutsch/Französische (#Euroland) Fusion im gemeinsamen europäischen strategischen Interesse! ALSTOM - SIEMENS ist die einzige Fusion im gemeinsamen europäischen strategischen Interesse

Der französische Wirtschaftsminister Arnaud Montebourg lehnt das Angebot von General Electric für Alstom ab. „Die GE-Offerte ist kein Angebot einer Allianz, sondern einer Übernahme - ein Angebot, das zur dauerhaften Schwächung der verbleibenden Alstom-Transportsparte führen würde“, sagte er im Gespräch mit der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung (F.A.Z. - Donnerstagsausgabe). „Alle großen Auftraggeber wie etwa die SNCF bestätigen das. Siemens dagegen setzt auf eine Allianz im Transport unter französischer Führung und in der Energie unter deutscher Führung. 

Mehr lesen: FAZ 

und: ALSTOM - SIEMENS ist die einzige Fusion im gemeinsamen europäischen strategischen Interesse

05/08/2014 Tags : crisis deutsch EU euroland finances




En tant qu`habitante de ce Bois Européen, en tant que mère (d`une fille, en plus), je m`adresse maintenant aux deux loups: écoutez-moi bien, rappelez-vous que l`histoire a prouvé tant de fois que le bien est toujours vainqueur. Peu importe vos intérêts, laissez cette fille tranquille, elle n`a pas besoin de vous pour rentrer chez elle, ni de toi Sam, ni de toi Ivan! Soit vous vous mettez d`accord et vous l`accompagnez ensemble (et quelle force invincible vous serez à plusieurs), soit vous vous battez mais dans un autre bois, pas le nôtre... 

A lire sur: Newropeans-Magazine

05/08/2014 Tags : EU Russie Ukraine USA


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