
Regarding CETA, while German courts are indeed effective, the same cannot be said for all EU members: Canada is negotiating a deal with the EU, not just Germany.


08/11/2014 Tags : Canada CETA EU TTIP USA



The EU and Canada reached an agreement in principle in October but there were further delays over issues such as financial services, investor protections and beef and cheese quotas. The deal includes clauses that make it easier for people from either region to work across the EU and Europe. Final details of the deal will be made public at a Canada-EU summit in Ottawa in September.


08/11/2014 Tags : Canada CETA EU TTIP USA




In view of the events in Ukraine, the government and many media have switched from level-headed to agitated. The spectrum of opinions has been narrowed to the width of a sniper scope. The politics of escalation does not have a realistic goal – and harms German interests.


08/11/2014 Tags : EU Russie Ukraine USA


The terror being visited upon Iraq – nothing less than a vision of a new dark age – is the consequence of George W Bush and Mr Blair’s invasion and botched “reconstruction” a decade ago; and of the recent con- fused Western flirtation with Syria’s rebels. (First, helping the rebels to destabilise the Assad regime, then dithering about decisive action.)


08/11/2014 Tags : Blair Bush EU Iraq Obama USA



in der Ukraine-Krise wird das alles auf den Kopf gestellt. Handel dient plötzlich als Waffe, die EU-Kommission wird mit ökonomischer Kriegsführung betraut.

Imperiale Vollmachten - Besonders dubios ist dabei die Rolle der EU-Kommission. Eigentlich ist es ihre Aufgabe, die europäische Einigung durch wirtschaftliche Kooperation voranzubringen. Insbesondere die Handelspolitik, in der die Kommission allein agieren kann, ist dazu gedacht, die EU und ihre Partner zusammenzubringen – und nicht zu trennen. Doch in der Ukraine-Krise wird das alles auf den Kopf gestellt. Handel dient plötzlich als Waffe, die EU-Kommission wird mit ökonomischer Kriegsführung betraut.


08/08/2014 Tags : deutsch EU Ukraine


Marianne Ranke-Cormier



La Médiatrice européenne appelle la Commission et le Conseil à établir une approche plus proactive de la transparence dans les négociations relatives au TTIP
Dans deux courriers transmis le 29 juillet 2014 pour l’un au Conseil de l’Union européenne, pour l’autre à la Commission, la Médiatrice européenne, Emily O'Reilly, a demandé aux institutions d’accroître la transparence relative aux négociations en cours entre l’UE et les USA sur le Partenariat transatlantique de commerce et d'investissement (PTCI ou TTIP en anglais), cela en publiant davantage de documents liés à ces discussions.

La Cour de Justice de l’UE confirme que le principe de protection de l’intérêt public ne peut, s'il n'est pas justifié précisément, permettre le refus du droit d’accès aux documents des institutions

EU-US trade deal: people have the right to know
The recent ruling by the European Court of Justice, in a case brought by Dutch MEP Sophie in‘t Veld, could not have come at a more pertinent time (EurActiv story: TTIP document could be made public after EU court ruling, July 4th 2014 )

Sommet UE-Canada en septembre pour souligner la conclusion de l'accord de libre-échange: 28/09

Canada-UE : Berlin n'a pas arrêté sa décision

Despite German angst, bet on CETA to go ahead
Regarding CETA, while German courts are indeed effective, the same cannot be said for all EU members: Canada is negotiating a deal with the EU, not just Germany.

Germany seeks to limit investor protection to save trade deal
"Markus Kerber, managing director of the BDI, the German employers’ organisation, urged the government to go ahead with the EU-Canada accord. He did not foresee a problem with investor protection clauses. “Germany has such agreements with 120 countries and we have not had an argument,” he said." ...

Canada-EU free trade deal may pave way for US agreement

A réfléchir: la clause ISDS permettra-t-elle aux entreprises internationales d'échapper à toute porusuite de la part de la société civile?
The uphill battle to hold US corporations accountable for abuses abroad

08/08/2014 Tags : CETA d democracy EU TTIP USA


European court of human rights or European court of corporate tax evasion mafia rights ? When the first fine was in the news Newropeans already thought we should bring up the demand for an international court for fincancial crimes:,fr/

The European Court of Human Rights Thursday (31 July) told Russia to pay €1.86 billion to the shareholders of the disbanded Yukos oil group.... The fine is the largest ever from the Strasbourg-based court, significantly more than its previous record of €90 million handed out in May against Turkey in case with Cyprus.


08/01/2014 Tags : EU Russie


What the hell is Japan concerned by a EU-Russia neighbourhood conflict... Entering WWIII !?

Japan will impose additional sanctions on Russia for failing to defuse the crisis in Ukraine, where the recent downing of a Malaysia Airlines jet killed all 298 people aboard, the government said Monday.


07/29/2014 Tags : Japan Russie Ukraine USA


Aujourd’hui que sait-on en France des pays dits est-européens depuis leur entrée dans l’Union européenne il y a 10 ans ? Rien. On connaît mieux la Chine et la Patagonie que nos voisins baltes, polonais ou la Hongrie sur laquelle on n’hésite pas à déployer un rouleau compresseur à la fois aveugle sur une réalité en partie fantasmée, et insultant pour le peuple hongrois.


07/28/2014 Tags : EU




This strategy is the same used with UN: When US decided to rule the world without UN, thereafter implicitely to go out of UN, the BRICS and G77 decided not ot dissolve the UN but to use it --without US-- (against US unilateral hegemony). This bill if passed means US will no more need NATO alliance in order to intervene militarily in Europe. Other NATO members should then take the opportunity not to dissolve NATO but to use NATO-less-US to protect Europe against US "redeployment": Europe should be a no-flight zone for all US military flights. Same for sea, and undersea military vessels. US will be free to use ISS to "protect" Ukraine and other EU member states, yes EU ones...

-> Directs the President to: (1) implement a plan for increasing U.S. and NATO support for the armed forces of Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia, and other NATO member-states; and (2) direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to NATO to seek consideration for permanently basing NATO forces in such countries.
-> Directs the President to establish a United States-German Global and European Security Working Group


07/28/2014 Tags : EU NATO Ukraine USA


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