La page de Marianne Ranke-Cormier Un parcours politique eurocitoyen


TTIP: you nightmared it... Obamashton is about to do it!

Newropeans Flash - 26/03/2014

Obama visit to Brussels on the menu, not European but the U.S. agenda! In particular the TTIP : you nightmared it... Obamashton is about to do it!

TTIP: you nightmared it... Obamashton is about to do it!
Bet he will not leave empty-handed: a promise of TTIP, a joint declaration against Russia and threats/penalties style of a stop in Russian gas supplies, de facto a promise to import oil and U.S. shale gas, allow U.S. companies to exploit our basement (facilitated by the TTIP) , the maintenance of U.S. nuclear weapons on European territory, and probably insurance to the Baltics states and Poland of a greater attention of their territorial integrity (should it not be the business of the Europeans?), and as he has already achieved that Germany agreed on the introduction of QE at the ECB, the next step will be redeem their debt to help the U.S. to recover and the dollar to bounce back on the Euro, and thus make a switch on the world level.
The EU, the best enemy in the European space .
How can 28 states - mostly democratically elected (Italy no longer is) - be anesthetized to the point of losing any sense of the collective European interest ... ? This is mad !
"Bon appétit" Europeans, tomorrow you will eat American beef with hormones and antibiotics. You didn't like Brussels ... well now you've got Washington in charge of your destinies ! The battle for Europe's democratisation, Franck Biancheri and Newropeans called for, wasn't an empty project...

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