çà fait du bien de lire ce genre de propos! Enfin un politicien qui garde la tête objective.Il est temps de revenir à des attitudes responsables! l'Europe a brisé toutes les lois et toutes les règles. Comment voulez-vous que l'on fasse confiance à cette UE qui dénie toutes ses valeurs? Aujourd'hui nous avons des armes nucléaires sur notre continent, alors que nous sommes une construction de paix?
- les promesses non tenues faites à Gorbatchev de non-élargissement de l’Otan ;
- puis des tentatives de l’administration de George W. Bush d’élargir encore l’Otan (sans y arriver) ;
- les Européens qui ont mis en avant de manière inconséquente l’entrée de l’Ukraine dans l’UE alors que ni l’Europe ni l’Ukraine n’y sont prêts.
Ein Barrel (159 Liter) der Nordseesorte Brent zur Lieferung im April kostete gegen Mittag 111,37 Dollar. Das waren 2,30 Dollar mehr als am Freitag und der höchste Stand im laufenden Jahr. Der Preis für ein Fass der amerikanischen Ölsorte WTI stieg um 1,74 Dollar auf 104,33 Dollar.
La Quadrature du Net
The most important signal sent by this resolution however is when it “calls on the Commission to present measures providing for the immediate suspension of” the Safe Harbor agreement. This is precisely what La Quadrature du Net and other civil society organisations have been demanding since the beginning of Edward Snowden's revelations. The suspension of this agreement, if enacted by the European Commission, would represent a concrete and effective measure, a necessary step to put a stop to the mass surveillance of European citizens. It would also push renegotiation of transatlantic relations on this matter.
@newropeans_eu called for an "International Court for Global Financial Crimes" to help those who were hit by the austerity plan: citizens!
Misbehaving bankers and their bosses will have to hand back bonuses up to six years after they pocketed the cash under a proposed rule from the Bank of England to prevent excessive risk-taking.
@newropeans_eu called for an "International Court for Global Financial Crimes" to help those who were hit by the austerity plan: citizens! http://www.newropeans-magazine.org/content/view/12360/309/lang,english/
@newropeans_eu called for an "International Court for Global Financial Crimes" to help those who were hit by the austerity plan: citizens! http://www.newropeans-magazine.org/content/view/12360/309/lang,english/
Some 82 percent of Spaniards working abroad want to come home and 67 percent want to do so in the next five years, according to a new study by recruitment agency Hays. Fewer than one in five Spaniards plan to stay in their new home, Hays' Guide to the Labour Market 2014 also shows.
Global research
the ‘Grand Chessboard’, in the present Obama foreign policy epoch the chief geopolitical gambit is buck-passing or ‘leading from behind.’
The recent unrest in Ukraine represents one more episode in an ongoing campaign of “Color Revolutions” by the NATO bloc to unseat recalcitrant leaders (those who do not conform to NATO bloc dictates) under the cloak of “democracy promotion.” The unrest in Ukraine conforms to a very familiar script: pro-democracy protestors are being repressed by an autocratic state, in this case, refusing to accede to their demands for EU integration against Western interests. As observed by the Voltaire Network:
Democracy? What democracy? Neighborhood? What neighborhood? EU the over 30 members-states union. ...
Georgia will receive additional financial aid form the European Union. Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Stefan Fule announced in Tbilisi that the EU will provide Georgia with 22.5 million EUR to support reforms in monitoring public finances and strengthening democracy. The document was signed by Fule and Georgian State Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Alex Petriashvili on March 4th.
With some much going on in the West and Eastern Europe, the Middle-East has again been subjected to the rear pages of newspapers, and to idiot orientalist who have nothing good to say, where Western peoples largely are again put into the darkness like mushrooms kept in the dark and fed manure, only in this case manure laced with sleeping pills. Why? Well as in most countries of the West especially those of the Americas, the Middle-East has been immortalized now and forever as led by barbarous, uncivilized peoples, not unlike the American Indians of the Americas, needing radical changes in behavior and ideology, as well as in our case religious fervor.
Corporate Europe
The last two decades have witnessed the silent rise of a powerful international investment regime that has ensnared hundreds of countries and put corporate profit before human rights and the environment. International investment treaties are agreements made between states that determine the rights of investors in each other’s territories. They are used by powerful companies to sue governments if policy changes – even ones to protect public health or the environment – are deemed to affect their profits. ...
Bravo Hollande !!!! Bravo la France !!!! Une fois de plus vous avez raté le coche....
Britain and Germany will team up to work on developing the next super-fast mobile network, 5G, Prime Minister David Cameron told the opening of the world's biggest high-tech fair on Sunday.
Posts of the day
The 15 diseases of the Eurocrats
Sobre la finlandización de Ucrania
It’s now total war against the BRICS
Avoiding Western networks
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