
Seven-point plan to renegotiate membership: David Cameron sets out agenda for EU reform

... • Businesses liberated from red tape and benefiting from the strength of the EU's own market to open up greater free trade with North America and Asia • UK police forces and justice systems able to protect British citizens, unencumbered by unnecessary interference from the European institutions, including the European court of human rights. • Free movement to take up work, not free benefits. • Support for the continued enlargement of the EU to new members but with new mechanisms in place to prevent vast migrations across the continent. • Ensuring Britain is no longer subject to the concept of "ever closer union", enshrined in the treaty signed by every EU country.

translate: Free trade agreements #TTIP, free lobbying, free justice, no human rights convention, no #Schengen, no political Europe only a free trade market, no community constraints only profits and rights...

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