
[SPECIAL FOCUS] ALSTOM - SIEMENS is the only merger fulfilling a strategic European common interest

A merger between Alstom and GE would severely hamper trans-European consolidation efforts in the energy and economic spheres. ... Newropeans supports and shares the concerns of the French Minister Arnaud Montebourg and regrets the amazing silence of our supposed European leaders regarding what could in the end become a sell-off of the enreegy and transport markets dimension of the European Union. In this field the lack of a real trans-European industrial energy policy allows the U.S. to enter market niches that are available to him. In this way they will also impose production processes European citizens do not want and could be cause for rejection of TTIP, namely fracking.

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For immediate release Newropeans Press Office (28/04/2014): ALSTOM - SIEMENS is the only merger fulfilling a strategic European common interest in the field of energy and transport, respecting a democratic process regarding regional economic integration

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