La page de Marianne Ranke-Cormier Un parcours politique eurocitoyen


Save the European economy… Stop the sanctions! Now !

- 08/01/2015

Save the European economy… Stop the sanctions! Now !
Yes, the sanctions against Russia are harmful to the Russian and their economy!
Yes, the sanctions against Russia are harmful to the Europeans and their economy!
Russia is the third commercial partner of the European Union; the trades between them have been growing until March 2014. In the middle of a crisis of the euro, the debt, the growth, and the unemployment; is it rational to sabotage the trades with Russia?
Nevertheless :
Russia withdraws its troops from Eastern Ukraine like the west has required
Russia gives up the South Stream project, like the west has required
Poroschenko himself declares that the cease-fire is effective
Over and above the fact that it is now commonly accepted that the sanctions policies (Iran, Cuba, North Korea, etc) are ineffective, or even productive.

So why is the European Union refusing to lift the sanctions against Russia ?
Facing the ceaseless and incomprehensible re-edition of these sanctions, it is time to tell the European leaders that we don’t want to be the hostages of a policy which only the fury of the medias, now substituting to the public opinion, seems to justify. But we don’t approve it, we understand it even less and we don’t want in any case to support it.

Nota bene : Beyond the economical argument that we highlight for the sake of consensus, it is obvious that stopping the sanctions will allow the resumption of the euro-russian cooperation, an absolute precondition for a return to peace in Ukraine: how can we expect that the pro-russians and pro-europeans get along together if we are unable to do so?

The sanctions are dragging everybody in a negative spiral. We can get out of it easily.
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