La page de Marianne Ranke-Cormier Un parcours politique eurocitoyen


Are you watching Putin? “It’s not dangerous. Russia is very strong. But we are European”. Meanwhile Sweden joins forces with US and Nato in astonishing show of force

Marianne Ranke-Cormier - 12/09/2017

Les citoyens européens sont bien plus raisonnables que leurs élites politico-médiatiques! The Europeans are much more reasonable than their politico-media elites!

All quiet on the eastern front:
... The calm mood among locals close to the Russian border stands in stark contrast with the alarmist message of Western observers. (-The international community has been on high alert in the run-up to the jointly organized Russia-Belarus Zapad 2017 military exercises, the first of their kind since the exercises that provided cover for Russia’s annexation of Crimea.)...

In Baltic borderlands, residents unperturbed by Russia’s Zapad military maneuvers“It’s not dangerous,” says 24-year-old Estonian-Russian serviceman Boris Medveznikov in Narva. “You have been misinformed about our neighbors … Russia is very strong. But we are European.” - Read: Politico, All quiet on the eastern front, 12/09/2017
In the meantime: "Are you watching Putin? Sweden joins forces with US and Nato in astonishing show of force" - Express, 11°09/2017

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