La page de Marianne Ranke-Cormier Un parcours politique eurocitoyen


NM English issue

And now Mr Bush let’s talk about Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo - 02/09/2021 - Marianne Ranke-Cormier

All that fuss for caricatures published month ago, last September, and which at that time had offended nobody, neither in the Muslim world, nor in the Arab world ? Strange indeed that it erupted so much later in time.  Strange too isn’it, that you were among the first ones to intervene for...

Suppress Guantanamo as first step to restore constructive Transatlantic Relations - 02/09/2021 - Franck Biancheri (2004)

US political debate is finally discovering the extent of damages created by the invasion of Iraq to the US image in the world and therefore to US international capacity of action. Presidential candidate Kerry made a speech on this very topic yesterday while former Vice-President Al Gore delivered a...

Should we wait for institutional reforms to bring out transeuropean lists for the European election 2019? - 19/02/2018 - Adrian Taylor

It is clear that institutional reform is required in the EU to increase the level of democracy. Any such reform will then have an impact on civil society. But we cannot wait for governments to act. There is much that can already be done by civil society both to prove that there is a demand for...

Pierre Moscovici: “The future of the euro” - 07/09/2017 - Marianne Ranke-Cormier

I would go so far as to say that this flaw in the governance of EMU is a democratic deficit, and sometimes in the past, when we look at Greece, it has beenclose to a democratic scandal. "... The first issue is the lack of democracy in our existing structures.Let’s face it, the Eurogroup as we know...

Open Letter to the European Leaders: Countering the British nationalist takeover with a European democratic blow - Towards a first real trans-European election - 25/07/2016 - Marianne Ranke-Cormier

Dear European leaders, We have all got it right, Brexit will ultimately not result in Great Britain leaving the EU. Nevertheless, Brexit is paralysing the European decision-making system. What we are currently seeing is a kind of EU political takeover which looks nothing like democracy, and much...

Open call: Euroland Agora in Athens - October 7-10, 2016 - 20/07/2016 - Marianne Ranke-Cormier

Last year at the height of the Greek crisis, the Eurozone proved to be a solid anchor at the core of the European construction. The Greek crisis indeed revealed how closely Euro-member countries’ destinies are tied together. Since 1996, LEAP  and its predecessors have been advocating...

Inventing 21century democracy - 31/03/2016 - Christel Hahn IRPA’s President

The current democratic system is in a crisis with growing incoherence of society, rise of anti-establishment movements and parties and inability of the European political system to cope with the current multifaceted European crisis. Yet 99% want a stable and supporting environment to live in. This...

Diplomatic immunity in crisis? - 02/02/2016 - Marianne Ranke-Cormier

Remember Newropeans March 2004? Eliminating the legal immunity of European officials 1. Ensure that the principle of equality of all European citizens before the law is maintained by eliminating the legal immunity of European officials. • In order to respect the fundamental principle of...

The “Little Blue Book” is back! - 05/11/2015 - Marianne Ranke-Cormier

Editions Anticipolis, is glad to announce the republication of  the “Little Blue Book” -better known as:    “The Emergence of Eurocitizens A brief history of AEGEE-Europe From its creation to April 1988“ Precisely 30 years ago, in 1985, in a Europe that was wrapping up its...

October 30, 2015: Three years without Franck, three years of loyalty to Franck - 30/10/2015 - Association des Amis de Franck Biancheri

We publish here the letter of Association des Amis de Franck Biancheri, in memory of Franck, who passed away October 30, 2012, to which the editorial team associates. I was at his side when Franck founded this first trans-European political magazine in 2004, and the team is faithful to him for over...
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